The Effects are a ska and reggae based band from Phoenix, AZ. They have been around for a long time - the band first surfaced (if you can call it that) in the early '80's, took a long hiatus all through the '90's, and the '00's, and reformed in the late '11ses.

The original lineup included Shadrach Powell, Bucko Reed, Jim Sauter, Tim Chapman, and Bob Chapman. After a few months the Chapman brothers left and were replaced by Luke Skood and Kirk Hawley. Some time went by and Jim Sauter left. Kirk Hawley was eventually replaced by Donnie Dean.

The band found a home at the Razberry Rhineroceros in Scottsdale, AZ, and played there for several years. Eventually the band became a pack of road dogs, and could usually be found in Los Angeles or various towns in Arizona, Utah, and Colorado. The Effects broke up in 1985 for good...

...and then, in 2016, reformed. The new lineup was Shadrach Powell, Luke Skood, Kirk Hawley, and Mike Lyon. Eventually Mike Lyon quit and was replaced by Derric Butler, who was replaced by John Rumbaugh, who was then re-replaced by Derric Butler.

Throughout, the band retained its focus on original sounds with a strong ska and reggae influence, always seeing playing music as a competitive contact sport in which the goal is to make the other bands sorry they showed up.